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Experiencing a Writing Block? Write about the Block!

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Experiencing a writing block? Write about the block.

Write about how your mind is stuck and in that endeavor the mind starts flowing. Write about how your fingers are frozen and you will notice the fingers are moving. Stop the pen and experience a moment of intimacy with the block. Then pick it up and write about it.

Write about how there is a lamp in the corner and how the windows have curtains down and how the road outside is quiet. Write about how you wonder if you are successful and how you badly want to be successful.

Write about how there is a story, but it refuses to come out because it’s not sure if it’s good enough. Write about how it’s scary to accept that you may never write a bestseller. But why really worry about writing bestseller? Why not just write “best written”?

In reality you shouldn’t really try to write about anything. Who are you? Figure out how you can get out of the way and how you can let the book write itself. You should go and play piano. Or wait. Isn’t that what you are doing on the computer keyboard? Just making sounds. The book just happens. The clouds just rain. Rainbow just happens.

One Response

  1. Very astute, thank you!

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